Terry Casales- July 27, 2020

Beloved, I have placed you in the dark room to develop My image in you.
Allow Me to process you in this season beloved. Allow Me to pour My love and My healing upon you.
I Am shining the light of My glory upon you, dearest one. I captured your life a long time ago. Every aspect of Your life has already been captured in My mind.
Every dream I have given to you has already been captured. Your life may seem like a blank page — an undeveloped roll of film — right now, but all is not as it seems, dearest one.
The promises I have given to you I have asked you to capture them in your mind and in your heart — allow Me to process them with you. The full picture of what I have revealed to you is about to manifest.
Right now you are only seeing in part - you are only seeing part of the picture, dearest one. You have been in a fog of confusion and you have struggled with trusting in what I Am developing in you.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. - Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV)
Allow Me to project and focus My image into you, dearest one. As you find your focus on Me, I am sharpening your spiritual vision. As the Author of time, I Am readjusting your time of exposure in the secret place. I Am realigning your contrast in Me against the old wineskin of the world system that was instilled in you your whole life. I have been filtering out everything that is not of Me from your soul, dearest one.
Abide in Me. Soak in the waters of My presence and let me develop you into My image. Allow My living water to wash away all of the chemical and toxic effects of this world that I have allowed to develop you dearest one. Everything the enemy has meant for your evil, all of the toxic things in your life, I Am completely turning it around for your good. Remember that you are a work in process, dearest one. Be patient and trust Me in the processing. The end result will be better, sharper, clearer, greater and more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
Trust that I Am handling you as the fragile, priceless jewel that you are. Do not be afraid and trust Me with your heart, for I Am gentle. Allow My strength to be made perfect in your weakness, dearest one.
As My new creation, I have fixed My image upon you. Dearest one, do not allow the “false” developer to keep making you believe that he is the one who defines you - that he is the one who molds and develops you. He has tried everything in his power to get you to conform into his counterfeit image. Everything the enemy has ever shown you about who you are is a lie. It is all an illusion, dearest one. It is all smoke and mirrors the enemy uses to derail you. Do not listen to the enemy when he tells you to open the door. Beloved, he wants to abort and to ruin what I Am doing in you and the plans I have for you. Do not be deceived, beloved. Do not open the door to the dark room prematurely without My leading, beloved. Do not get ahead of the process I Am doing in you to prepare you to step out into the light of all that I have for you. Trust Me in this.
You are no doubt wondering, how much longer do I have to be developing in the dark? How much longer do I need to remain in the cave? Believe Me when I say that My timing is perfect. Only I know the right time when you will be ready to go further with Me into your assignment. Take this time to abide in Me and to learn as much as you can from Me. Dearest one, I love you too much to release you into the light prematurely — I do not want you to be overexposed before you are ready. Allow Me to develop you in the darkroom with excellence and care. Everything I have ever done is good, and you are no exception.
For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. - Romans 8:29 (NKJV)
Allow Me to retouch you and to remove all of the spots and unwanted objects the enemy has placed within you with My oil. Allow Me to enhance My image in you - I Am pouring My anointing oil to transform you into the fullness of My life in you. You will no longer be seeing things in the limited view of this world - you will no longer see things in black and white. Allow Me to develop your sight, dearest one. Allow me to shine My Light on the pages of your life with the vibrant colors of My Kingdom. At the right time when you are fully developed, brought out of the dark and into the light, you shall be picture perfect. You will be ready to be shown for all the world to see as the beautiful work of art that you were created to be in Me!