Terry Casales - October 30th, 2022
(Photo: canva.com)
Beloved, I have given you all authority in heaven and on earth to call forth My promises to manifest in your life in this hour. You are a woman of great faith so it is time to declare and to decree what you desire to see that I have placed in your heart. You are Mine, dearest one. I created you in My image so that you and I can create the future we desire to see. Remember, that I have written all of my plans in your book. Ask Me, dearest one. Ask Me to open your book so that you can see all that I have designed for you to fulfill the desires of My heart for such a time as this.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. - Psalms 139:16 - NKJV
Even though you see in part, this does not mean that you are not able to create what you want to see through the spoken Word. Remember, that everything I create I have spoken into existence. I have given you dominion over the earth and all that is in it as a new creation in Christ. Every time you speak life, you are speaking the language of Your Heavenly Father. Do you know that the words of life that you speak are the words of My love? Everything that I speak into existence is good as I Am good and everything that I speak has life and flows in the power of My love.
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. - Ephesians 4:29 - NKJV
Do you know that what holds everything together is done in the power of My love? That is how vast and how great My love is and it is endless. My love is limitless and it never runs out. So when you prophesy life over anything in the Name of Jesus you are doing it in the power of My love because you are a carrier of My heart. When I turned the water into wine at the wedding in Cana, it was My love that was flowing through Holy Spirit and through My Son Jesus.
Dearest one, you shall begin to see the words that I have you to speak which come from My heart do the impossible. It is the power of My love that breaks through. It was the power of My love that, not only created time but broke the fabric of time the moment My Son Jesus said, “It is finished.” It was that royal decree from My Kingdom that broke the fabric of time and defeated death itself. So, go ahead and prophesy to the dry bones and command them to live in the power of My love in the name of Jesus and you shall see them come to life. Prophesy to every dry thing in your life and command it to live in the power of My love!
Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! - Ezekiel 37:4 - NKJV
Everything you decree through My Words shall be established. Everything I created I conceived it in My Mind. And, as a new creation in Christ, I have given you the ability to conceive things in your mind and speak them into existence and they shall be established.
Commit your works to the Lord, And your thoughts will be established. - Proverbs 16:3 - NKJV
Dearest one, remember that your heart and everything that you are is connected to My heart for you and I are One as Jesus and I are One. So when you allow Me to keep your heart aligned with Mine ALL things are possible.
Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. - Proverbs 4:23 - NKJV
So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. - Ezekiel 37:7 - NKJV
So Timothy, my son, I am entrusting you with this responsibility, in keeping with the very first prophecies that were spoken over your life, and are now in the process of fulfillment in this great work of ministry, in keeping with the prophecies spoken over you. With this encouragement use your prophecies as weapons as you wage spiritual warfare by faith and with a clean conscience. For there are many who reject these virtues and are now destitute of the true faith, - 1 Timothy 1:18 - TPT
#powerofagreement #wordscarrycreativepower #decreewhatGodsays #decreeathingandseeitestablished #TheRoaringScribe