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Beloved, you are Breaking Away!

Terry Casales - July 1st, 2021


Beloved, you are breaking away from everything that has held you back in the last seasons. The term “breaking away” in the sport of cycling, can be defined as: to detach oneself especially from a group; get away; to depart from former or accustomed ways; to pull away with a burst of speed.

Beloved, you have felt like you have been pedaling hard and making no progress. One of the reasons may be because you have been part of a very slow pack. Even well intentioned people in your life may be holding you back and keeping you in their slow pace. Beloved, you were created to stay in tandem with My pace. You have felt like, no matter how hard you’ve been pedaling, like something has been holding you back, like a rope. It seems like you cannot break away from where you have been and you have surrounded yourself with others who are not inspired to move forward. It is like that old saying, “misery loves company.” Beloved, you were not created to be hindered by anyone or anything from fulfilling your Kingdom assignment with Me.

For you to be able to embrace the new things that I Am calling you to — it will require breaking out of the pack. Not just from others who are not advancing but also from old mindsets and old ways of doing things. I Am calling you to break out of what you have been accustomed to for so long and to embrace My paradigm. It will look entirely different, but, believe Me when I say that it will benefit you in the long run.

In past seasons, I have asked you to be patient and trust the slow process of the wilderness before breaking you into the new. I Am changing everything for I Am calling you to not just pull away, but do it with a burst of speed that you have not experienced before. At first, it will feel like a shock to your system because you have been operating at such a slow pace for so long. I shall help you to cross over. Prepare yourself to receive resistance from those who are accustomed to seeing you move at their slow pace as they watch you breaking away into your destiny with Me. Not everyone will be following you to where I Am taking you.

Beloved, I Am repositioning you so that you can thrive in this new era. I Am removing every weight and every thing that has held you down. I know that the race has been long and I have required you to keep pedaling — to endure and to persevere — even when you could not see the finish line because of all of the obstacles you were forced to steer around along the way. You have been pedaling at a steady rate, beloved. Be attentive to My voice and be ready for my signal to break away from the pack. I shall give you the second wind that you need at My perfect kairos time. Prepare for Me to ask you to step out and take that chance on the next long breakaway. I have been preparing you all this time on how to ride a breakaway — to attack in the beginning and get a gap, then sit up and let the enemy work at the front to bring you back. I have been teaching you how to stay in reserve until the final kilometers, letting the enemy think he had you under his control. Then, when I call you to take off, the enemy will realize that he has made a mistake and then it’s too late for him because you have escaped his clutches.

Beloved, know that I have placed you in the right group that will help propel you forward when the time comes for you to breakaway. Up to this point, I have called you to conserve your energy through a position of rest in the secret place with Me. The time is fast approaching when I shall call you to leave the past (and all the dead things with it) behind once and for all and to ride forward with Me. You have been hidden in your cave long enough. Remember, I have called you to follow Me above all others. It is time for you to cross over with Me into My new era of victory and freedom, unafraid and full of My love!

So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him. - Luke 5:11 - NKJV

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. - John 10:27 - NKJV

And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd. - John 10:16 - NKJV)

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15 - NKJV

and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, - Ephesians 6:19 - NKJV

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, - Philippians 3:13 - NKJV


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