Terry Casales - November 1st, 2021
(Photo: af.mil)
Beloved, you have been in a long season of battle for My promises. You have been faced with what seems like endless opposition from the enemy of your soul and you wonder if you will ever get out of the battlefield into a time of rest, vindication and recovery. You wonder whether I will bring you My angelic “rescue team” to get you out of harms way. Beloved, I have not forgotten you and I have not forgotten all that you have endured in the heat of battle. Get ready and expect Me to remove you from the field of battle which has left you tired and weary, hanging on by a thread and quickly running out of every last bit of your energy and resources. Remember, beloved, that I promised not to leave you nor forsake you. You are not meant to be in battle-mode forever. Everyone needs to go on leave, a time of sabbatical, in preparation for your next assignment.
Therefore say to the children of Israel: ‘I am the Lord; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. - Exodus 6:6 - NKJV
“He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him; Let Him deliver Him, since He delights in Him!” - Psalm 22:8 - NKJV
And rescued us from our enemies, For His mercy endures forever; - Psalm 136:24 - NKJV
The C-130 Hercules primarily performs the tactical portion of the airlift mission. The aircraft is capable of operating from rough, dirt strips and is the prime transport for airdropping troops and equipment into hostile areas. Basic and specialized versions of the aircraft airframe perform a diverse number of roles, including airlift support, Antarctic ice resupply, aeromedical missions, weather reconnaissance, aerial spray missions, firefighting duties for the U.S. Forest Service and natural disaster relief missions.
Beloved, just as a C-130 is designed for oversized cargo and reinforcements to go into and out of hostile areas, so I Am sending you the transport that you need with the over-sized amount of provision for the unique, oversized vision that I have given to you to carry in this new era. Never doubt the weight and the size of the mantle that I have given for you to carry. Everything up to this point has seemed so overwhelming to you that it has left you feeling so very small, as you have kept putting one foot in front of the other, with each step feeling heavier than the last, having to stay alert and walking in what has seemed like an endless mine field. You have been on constant high-level alert and having to stay frosty, always at the ready to deal with every fiery arrow of the evil one.
Beloved, you have fought well up to this point. Allow Me to take you away from the heat of battle and into the pool of refreshment for your soul. You have fought hard and you have fought true for you have never stopped seeking Me in the wilderness, no matter how difficult the trials have been. You have been concerned that this long battle season you have been in is leaving your heart hardened and scarred, without any compassion and without My joy. Beloved, the fact that you have been concerned about this proves your desire to have a tender heart so that My love can continue to operate in and through you. I have been teaching you how to see the hearts of men as I see them — as My precious ones through My eyes of love. Beloved, believe Me when I say that you are more than a conqueror and you were created for victory!
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. - Matthew 11:29 - NKJV
The enemy has been doing everything he can to leave you stuck in his territory feeling more and more defeated and depleted — where you have been constantly pommeled, oppressed, knocked down and tormented by the enemy. I say, “that ends now!” The survival, war-mode is not your longterm portion, beloved. You shall enter a season of rest and prosperity and you shall continue to make larger and larger strides in the advancement of My Kingdom, with all of the Kingdom resources and the people that you need who will run with you. Every time you say “Yes” to Me and every step of My perfect faith that you take, is a giant leap across the enemy’s camp toward your land of promise.
Beloved, you must believe with your whole heart that I Am your Divine Commander-in-Chief and that I shall give you the instructions and the words you shall use to defeat the enemy in every circumstance. Beloved, take heart for I Am bringing to you My transport that shall take you higher with Me than you ever have before, far above the fray. Allow Me to resolve everything that concerns you as you seek Me in the secret place, seated in Heavenly places with Jesus.
Out of heaven He let you hear His voice, that He might instruct you; on earth He showed you His great fire, and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire. - Deuteronomy 4:36 - NKJV
Receive, please, instruction from His mouth, And lay up His words in your heart. - Job 22:22 - NKJV
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. - Psalm 32:8 - NKJV
Our forefathers didn’t take the land by their own strength or their own skill or strategy. But it was through the shining forth of your radiant presence and the display of your mighty power. You loved to give them victory, for you took great delight in them. - Psalm 44:3 - NKJV
Beloved, you are My daughter in whom I Am well-pleased! You have just earned your stripes and a “purple heart” (a Royal reward) for courage under fire! You are a woman of great faith. You have been diligent to put on My armor daily and you have not relented in contending for and declaring My promises. You have continued to stand, beloved. It is time for you to trust Me to transport you into your destiny with Me — into all that I have for you to encounter and to walk in — in this new era. It is time for you to expect to see your reward, with a heart of thanksgiving, every dream and every vision I have placed in you be made manifest in you and in your life because you have delighted in Me. I Am delivering you and breaking off the shackles from what the enemy has used to hold you back and to keep you in delay from moving forward with Me in this hour. Beloved, this shall be a November to remember for you shall see a greater abundance of My goodness, My provision, My joy, My peace, My faithfulness and My love in the land of the living.